Recent and Current Projects

The Quinquennial Project

Every 5 years, the church building is subject to an inspection by an architect. This inspection (called a Quinquennial Review) identifies areas of the church building which need repair and maintenance and puts a guide price on each task.

Following reviews in 2012 and 2018 St. Mary's Church has been undergoing a major renovation programme costing well over £200,000 and the Friends have played a big role in funding this work. The major part of the work on the tower (replacement of the lead roof together with substantial areas of masonry near the top of the tower) and the stained glass windows has been completed and paid for thanks to the generosity of many organisations and individuals. The church is now embarking on the final phase of the work on the main building.

The Friends are continuing to raise money to support these church repairs and renovations and we rely on the generosity of Friends and other which support our events.